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Inception is ripped off of a comic

3 Aug

I have yet to see Inception but found this interesting. I originally found it on BoingBoing which points to an article at VideoGum. I encourage you to read the VideoGum article, apparentley there’s a famed fight scene in the movie that is taken from Gummibears Christmas Special.
Full comic found here.

Eh, I think I’ll wait for the DVD to come out.

Man arrested for sewing up his own leg

3 Aug

After an hour long wait at the ER, a man took initiative and took the needle and thread that was next to him and sewed his own leg up. The hospital, not being impressed (and not being able to charge his health insurance or him for costs), called the cops and had the man arrested. I’m not saying that patients should be able to grab what they’d like out of a hospital and use it without authority or know how, but i think pressing charges on a man who sewed up his own wound is wrong. Maybe charging him for the needle and thread, which would most likely be more expensive than it should be, may be the right plan. Or possibly in a vindictive mood, the nurse should cut back open the wound and stitch it up correctly and professionally, all unanesthetized.

Props to man and his DIY attitude, but I would’ve just walked out with the thread and needle in my back pocket…

Article found here.

Higgs Boson on the horizon?

26 Jul

Otherwise known as the “God Particle”, the theoretical Higgs Boson is the elemental particle crucial to forming the universe after the Big Bang. Research at the Large Hadron Collider are progressing faster than expected and  a whole new world of physics seems to be on it’s way. The race is on. The Tevatron particle accelerator is also hot on the trail of the Higgs Boson.

I’m not very well read in physics but I can see the importance in this. This could take the theory of the Big Bang (please don’t take the word “theory” as creationists do; this is a theory of great evidence, not just a random idea) and elevate it into a fact of science.

Article found at Reuters.

Edit: Just found this article on Yahoo! as well.

Sorry Cartman, stem cells remember

26 Jul

Some people may remember a South Park episode entitled “Kenny Dies” where Cartman, upon learning that stem cells can develop into “anything” starts collecting aborted fetuses and their stem cells to replicate into a Shakey’s Pizza.

Scientists have recently discovered that stem cells have a memory, for example, a stem cell from a rat’s tail isn’t good at becoming a blood cell. Certain types of stem cells are better at becoming certain cells.

Article here.

It’s okay right?

23 Jul

On July 17, 2010, Donald J. Stevenson, 20, 236 Jersey St., Buffalo, NY was charged Wednesday with possession of marijuana. A report said deputies stopped Stevenson on River Road for having a loud muffler. Stevenson allegedly admitted to possessing marijuana, but said: “It’s OK, right? They made it legal, right?” Deputies said they told Stevenson it was still illegal and arrested him. A report said Stevenson possessed $30 worth of marijuana.

Steps Backward

12 Jul

Beautifully Ugly

9 Jul

These beautiful space like pictures are taken with UV light to help detect otherwise undetectable by the naked eye traces of oil.

From National Geographic:

Late last week coastal geologist Rip Kirby was on the seashore as part of an effort to detect oil by shining UV lights—widely used to spot blood at crime scenes—on Gulf beaches. The method, he hopes, will allow scientists and cleanup crews to tackle hard-to-spot oil, such as crude mixed with mud or light stains on sand, that’s washed ashore from the sinking of the BP-leased Deepwater Horizon rig.”

Full article and more pictures in an article on National Geographic

Flying Car a Reality

4 Jul

For a mere $194,000 you can have your own flying car. I’m not sure how police feel about a car taking flight off of the thruway but who cares. YOU HAVE A FLYING CAR!

Go to Terrafugia’s website for more info.

Leviathan mellvillei

1 Jul

Leviathan melvillei is named after Livyatan, the Hebrew word for large mytholigical sea monsters, and of course, melvillei is named in honor of Herman Melville, the author of Moby Dick.

Aside from the great name, this fossil has some importance. The skull and jawbone is about 75 percent complete with teeth that measure up to 36 centimeters (the largest T.rex tooth found measure 27cm!). The fossil also has teeth on the upper jaw with marks on the teeth hinting towards a shearing motion. This implies that the Leviathan was able to tear off flesh, rather than the way modern sperm whales eat by sucking in giant squid. The first article I linked to below also mentions the spermaceti organ. Mostly thought to be a sort of bladder similiar to many fish that enables the sperm whale to dive to large depths, some scientists are thinking that it has to do with using the head as a battering ram.

You can find many news articles with a simple Google search for Leviathan melvillei but here is a great article as well as here and here.

L33t pr0t3sters

29 Jun

I love this article on the G20 Summit in Toronto.

“Feel like these protesters in Toronto are just ‘internet meme generating ass holes’ who don’t ‘give a damn’ about the world, and only really care about making people on the internet LOL. Honestly feel like in our meme society, the lolcat might be the only universal currency.”>