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Spiked puppy

23 Jul

Stinkers lives at Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center which is much more suitable than the home that he formerly lived at.

From The Huffington Post

Steampunk Primate Coloring Book

4 Jul


View the coloring book here and the artist Chet Phillips’ Etsy (full of great prints) here.

Leviathan mellvillei

1 Jul

Leviathan melvillei is named after Livyatan, the Hebrew word for large mytholigical sea monsters, and of course, melvillei is named in honor of Herman Melville, the author of Moby Dick.

Aside from the great name, this fossil has some importance. The skull and jawbone is about 75 percent complete with teeth that measure up to 36 centimeters (the largest T.rex tooth found measure 27cm!). The fossil also has teeth on the upper jaw with marks on the teeth hinting towards a shearing motion. This implies that the Leviathan was able to tear off flesh, rather than the way modern sperm whales eat by sucking in giant squid. The first article I linked to below also mentions the spermaceti organ. Mostly thought to be a sort of bladder similiar to many fish that enables the sperm whale to dive to large depths, some scientists are thinking that it has to do with using the head as a battering ram.

You can find many news articles with a simple Google search for Leviathan melvillei but here is a great article as well as here and here.

Behind the Meme: Pallas’s Cat

29 Jun

Maybe you have seen this. This cat is obviously awesome. It is the Pallas’s Cat (wiki here). Officially it is the Pallas’s Cat but more results come from searching Pallas Cat. They’re a pretty elusive and little known wildcat. Maybe it’s the low ears, the round pupils, or the small size combined with the fur, but I find them adorable. Have fun Googling!